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Saturday night June 3 was testimony night again at Bethel Austin. Renee Evans taught a short message on why telling the testimony is vital to see God do it again. Telling your story is important since your breakthrough is someone else’s breakthrough. Renee then had an open mic time for the rest of the service. A large line developed as people came forward to tell their testimony. It took more than an hour for people to share. At least 25 people came up on stage. Here is a list of the things God has done in their lives. God wants to do it again and He wants to do it for you too.
2 Legs and knees healed,
Neck healed,
Reconciliation of family members,
A baby was born limp and blue and not breathing, healed, brought back to life,
God provided abundance in job opportunities,
2 Anxiety and depression is healed,
Arthritis healed,
Activating people to hear God’s voice,
2 Provision and favor with banks,
God brought Freedom from torment,
Conformation from the Lord about moving to Austin and led to Bethel Austin as a church home,
Head injury totally healed,
Severe trauma and depression healed,
Saying yes to tell their testimony, showing up,
Blessings and increase of faith in Jesus,
2 Breakthrough’s for their job releasing provision,
Healed from cancer,
Checks in the mail, bills paid off,
Shame and fear broken off,
Taking a risk using faith to heal people,
False identity healed.

Categories: Healing, Salvation, Financial, Miracles, Relationship

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