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CloseBill Johnson - September 26, 2020
The Mind of Christ

Listen in to guest speaker Bill Johson, of Bill Johnson Ministries and Bethel Church, as he shares the importance of living with a renewed mind in Christ. The Lord is wanting our thought life to reflect His thought life. Sometimes the greatest opponent to us living in the mind of Christ is our opinion, not the devil. And the renewed mind is not just a new philosophical approach to a problem. It's not just a value system where we give to the poor. It's not just those simple things. As it says in Romans 12:2, “Don't be conformed to this world. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” The transformation of every person is equal to the transformation of your thought life. No more, no less. A transformative mind transforms a life. A transformed life, transforms a city. We often try to use the principles of God to transform the workplace, transform our city, transform the politics, the education, etc. It's all noble efforts. We can have these goals, but if it doesn’t start with a renewed mind, we lack the power and the authority to renew or to change. It starts with our own personal life. Our thought life, and how we manage this area of our life. That’s why we've got to expect more now because of our significance. Not because of our talent, our skill or whatever. We must be determined to walk by the grace of God. We must walk in the mind of Christ because we want to prove the will of God on earth, as it is in heaven. That's the mandate that we've been given, but it's never been about the miracles. It's always been about the relationship.
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From Series: "Sermon of the Week"
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