The heart behind the Impact Kids ministry is two-fold: To create a place to encounter a loving Father, and to create an awareness and ease in hearing His voice. We want our kids to be aware of Him daily! Our time is spent in lots of play that builds character and friendship, and having fun in His presence. We want happy, whole kids that walk in identity, purpose, and carry the fire of God!
Impact Kids

There is no junior Holy Spirit
First Time Visiting?
We’re so glad you’re joining us for children’s church this weekend. If this is your first time with us, please read on to get an idea of what to expect on your first visit.
Sunday Service
Check-in begins at 9:45 a.m., closes at 10:15 a.m., and kids can be picked up at noon. Sunday’s kids program is for ages 6 weeks thru 6th grade.
Upon check-in, you will be given a tag for each child with a special code. If you are needed during service, the code will appear on the screen in the sanctuary. You will also need this tag to pick up your child or children after the service.
If your children have not checked in to Impact Kids before, please complete this pre-registration prior to arriving.