Come Build With Us

Our serving teams are key in building a culture of serving here at Bethel Austin, and with so many areas to get plugged into, we’re sure to find a team you’ll love. Come build with us!

Pick Your Team



To go deep into the heart of the Father by offering Kingdom resources to passionate pursuers of God!

Impact Kids

Impact Kids

Impact Kids is designed to create a place for kids to encounter the loving Father and to create an awareness and ease in hearing His voice.



To infinity and beyond, we are expanding the Kingdom of Heaven through technology and impacting every sphere of life!



To document revival in and through Bethel Austin, and to reach the world through powerful images.



To prepare the physical and virtual House for the presence of God through video, lighting and slides.


Roadrunner Coffee

Learn how to make coffee while sharing the love of Jesus at the new Roadrunner Coffee.



To provide a safe place for the corporate pursuit of God.



To prepare the House for the presence of God to fill and inhabit the praises of His people.

Welcome Team

Welcome Team

To welcome our community into an atmosphere of belonging and accepting by leaving a marked impression that glorifies the Kingdom and prepares you for a God encounter.

“Yes! Look how you’ve made all your lovers to flourish like palm trees, each one growing in victory, standing with strength! You’ve transplanted them into your heavenly courtyard, where they are thriving before you. For in your presence they will still overflow and be anointed. Even in their old age they will stay fresh, bearing luscious fruit and abiding faithfully.”

–‭‭Psalms‬ ‭92:12-14 TPT‬‬