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Message: “Establish Conference – Session 3” from Kris Vallotton

Jeff Collins - December 5, 2020

Breath of Heaven 2020 - Session 3

Listen in to guest speaker Jeff Collins, as he shares how God can bring true transformation into our lives.

Is God transforming your heart with his word? Have you ever encountered his weighted Glory? When you find his weighted glory, you will find transformation because it's in the glory of God that we are being transformed from glory to glory. That glory and goodness are the same to the father. Moses specifically asked, show me now your way, show me your glory. God's answer to him was okay I'm going to cause all of my goodness to pass in front of you. The Fathers glory was then revealed, changing a whole mindset within him. Personal relationship with the Lord is key, transitioning from stranger to friend. In Hebrews 8:11 it says, “No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one anther, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest.” We want to have an intimate relationship with him, developing a knowledge of who he is and what he is about. As people of God we certainly want to know the power of his resurrection, but we also want to know him in true fellowship.

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