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Message: “Fathering From Heaven” from Joaquin Evans

Joaquin Evans - June 6, 2020

Under His Wings

Under His Wings

We are living in this unique season, and there’s a lot of confusion and a lot of unrest. And yet something interesting is beginning to surface the more we hear testimonies being shared. It appears that those people who walk in intimacy with the Lord, intimacy with the Father, are actually thriving in this season. There’s literally acceleration happening for many, many people in this season. There are numbers of testimonies from business owners and entrepreneurs who are walking in this intimacy with the Father and Holy Spirit and are seeing their businesses exploding in a season of financial downturn. God just opens unforeseen doors, and businesses are exploding and people are thriving. Thank you, Jesus!

Families that have the Holy Spirit or are encountering God together at home are thriving. But at the same time, other people who have just been doing more of a routine and don't have the depth of relationship are spending this time doing what they thought looked right. They've been doing a performance and their foundation is being shaken. But God is shaking it so that His whole body can wake up to greater realities, greater intimacy, greater increase and so that He can accomplish all that He wants to through His Bride. God is actually like a good Father. He's drawn to those moments when his children are hurt or in pain or troubled. He hovers over us, and He picks us up.

From Series: "Sermon of the Week"

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