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What was the situation like before?

I have had a bad case of carpal tunnel for a few months. Specifically in my elbow, down my wrist and into my hand which would result in my 2 fingers aching and my forearm would also burn. For a while, the pain was constant and I’d have to take breaks at work to rub the pain out. Eventually, I got to a point where I would have to take Tylenol before work because of the soreness. After about 3 straight days of taking Tylenol, stretching, epsom salt baths and praying, I thought maybe it was starting to turn into chronic pain. The following week we left for holiday, and I came back to it being pretty painful while I was at work.

What did God do?

That  weekend in Church, Joaquin called out carpal tunnel as a word of knowledge and he said that he saw it dissolving. I grabbed onto that word as fast as I could, sat down and opened my hands and just received. The next thing I knew, the pain started to dissolve slowly, then rapidly and then gone. What was a harsh 8 to 10 out of a 10 pain level, became a 2 out of 10 and then eventually all the way down to a 0.

What is the situation like now?

The carpal tunnel and pain have been completely gone for about 3 weeks now.

Categories: Healing, Miracles

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