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The day before Healing School started, June fell and injured her right lower hip, causing a lot of pain. On the first day of the event, Joaquin gave a word of knowledge of a right lower hip that was injured and that Jesus wanted to heal it. June stood up and a group of people prayed for her. The first time they prayed, she only experienced 5 percent healing. The second time, she received 50 percent healing. Then a little girl in the group said, “Just bring her hips into alignment,” where she then received 95 percent healing. On her way home, all June’s pain returned, but she focused her faith and chose to not partner with doubt. She stopped at Torchy’s to eat and while standing in line, she met a man standing behind her. June saw he had trouble walking and asked if he had any pain. He said yes, so she prayed for him, remembering the scripture, “Give and it shall be given unto you.” As she prayed for the man to be healed, her pain left and did not return. See the attached video of June sharing her testimony.



Categories: Healing

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