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Joaquin spoke a powerful message on The Father’s Love on Sunday, June 9th 2023. Following his message, Joaquin called out words of knowledge for healing and people responded to those words that were called out and told of their healings.
Stomach lining was healed and a man with pain in his spine was also healed. Stomach pain, lower back pain, ankle pain, a sharp pain in the left ear was healed. There was also a man who had neck pain for several years, he woke up with a lump on his neck and was prayed for and is now gone. Another man, Jenessa Wait’s dad, said that he had a hernia from lifting 6 months ago and it hurt him to walk and he was not able to run at all. He was prayed for and he now has no pain. He began running back and forth in the front of the church! Thank you, Jesus, for all the breakthrough!

Categories: Healing

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