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What was the situation like before?

A group from Bethel Austin went to Barton Creek Mall for Saturday outreach. They each were doing a treasure hunt by writing down words of knowledge about the people they were looking for from Holy Spirit. One of the ladies had a red hat written down as one of these words. Holy Spirit led them to a lady that was wearing a red hijab on her head. The team approached her and asked her if she would like prayer or needed a miracle in her body. She said she had pain in her back and would like prayer. All of this was through Holy Spirit because she only spoke Arabic and the team only spoke English!

What did God do?

They prayed once and asked the lady if her pain was reduced. She replied that it was still the same. They prayed again and she opened her eyes wide open in surprise and said that her back pain was gone! With complete faith in the healing,  she asked them to also pray for her knee pain. They prayed again and her knee pain went away.

What is the situation like now?

This was a Muslim lady who received complete healing to her back and knees all in the name of Jesus. 

Categories: Healing

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